NMD3 Hosting Ltd GDPR statement:
NMD3 Hosting will delete or return all personal data to the customer at the end of their contract;
NMD3 Hosting will assist all customers when responding to any request under the GDPR and providing access to an individual’s personal data;
NMD3 Hosting will take appropriate measures to ensure the security of personal data;
NMD3 Hosting will not transfer any personal data for processing in a country outside of the European Union;
NMD3 Hosting will only act on the customer’s written instructions (unless legally required to act without the customer’s prior instructions);
NMD3 Hosting will at all times ensure that all people engaged in data processing are under a strict duty of confidentiality;
NMD3 Hosting will only engage a sub-processor with the customer’s prior written consent and sub-processor must be subject to a written agreement which meets all the requirements of the customer’s contract;
NMD3 Hosting will assist the customer in meeting their obligations under the GDPR, in particular, their obligations relating to security of processing, the notification of personal data breaches and data protection impact assessments;
NMD3 Hosting will submit to audits and inspections, provide the customer with whatever information needed to ensure both organisations meet their respective obligations under Article 28 GDPR (written processor agreement);
We will inform the customer whenever we are asked to do something with the personal data provided to us which might infringe the GDPR or other applicable data protection laws.
Simon Birchall
Managing Director – NMD3 Hosting Ltd